
New ASD Diagnosis. What do I do Next?

Dear Momma,

First of all, I hope you are doing okay. Diagnosis often feels overwhelming and confusing. So before we get to any of the logistics, I hope you have taken a moment to let yourself start processing.

Post diagnosis there is a whole new world of autism and the services you can be provided that begins to open to you. Let’s brake it down into a few categories to help you keep it all organized.

School Help

At the school, each kiddo with a diagnosis can get in Individualized Education Program (IEP). This is a formal legal document that each child with and special education needs gets by United States law. The process for an IEP can be broken down into 5 major steps:

  1. Parents or teachers identify that the child may need special education or extra services to have a successful day in the classroom.
  2. Most school districts will then perform an evaluation and decide on the child’s eligibility for services.
  3. Once eligibility is decided an IEP meeting is then scheduled. (This meeting usually includes the child’s guardian, their general classroom teacher, someone from admin, a special education teacher, other specialists/ this could be speech therapist, occupational therapist, etc.)
  4. The IEP is then written during the meeting. This is a great space to express concerns you have for your child in the classroom. **Momma this is where you become your child’s ADVOCATE! Don’t be afraid to stand up for what your child needs.
  5. Progress for the goals written in the IEP is then measured by his or her IEP team at school, and then the IEP is reviewed (at least) annually.

State Help

GET HELP FROM THE STATE! This will be game changer for you and your child. You can qualify for hours of therapies (speech, occupational, physical, behavioral, etc.) You can also qualify for attendant care, habilitation, or respite services for help in the home and RELIEF for you.

To get help from the state of Arizona, after diagnosis you will fill out some paperwork and apply through email to DDD. Here is the link to determine eligibility and for instructions on how to apply. YES it is a tedious process, but once you get the help going it is so worth it. https://des.az.gov/services/disabilities/developmental-disabilities/determine-eligibility

Community Help

Are you in any sort of church group? Facebook group? Neighborhood play group? Put your self out there. Traveling the road of an autism parent can be very lonely. Find people to surround you and your child with. It will be intimidating at first to find the “right fit” but when you find your people, cling to them. Let them be of help to you. You can always hop in the Bomb Spectrum Mom facebook group for some other amazing ASD mommas.

You don’t have to do this journey alone. There is support, But you have to take the first steps and advocate for your child and yourself. Fight for the help.

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